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The Road to Nowhere

“Let’s go down that road,” my companion suggested, peering down at a deserted artery that snaked through the arid Chihuahuan Desert. We’d been traveling for most of the day, having left San Antonio, Texas earlier in the morning. We were on our way to Amarillo, but somehow, I had allowed myself to be talked into…

Mr. Melvin

To most, he was just the neighborhood drunk.  He was ridiculed by many.  And since he lived alone, he was often accused of unseemly behavior by the busy-bodies of the neighborhood.  Like everyone else in the neighborhood, I believed the stories that were whispered behind his back.  He heard them, but through it all, he…

Due Date

Due Date

My mother, Phelps, and I were sitting on the porch on a beautiful summer day.  It was around July.  Since we lived it Ohio, it wasn’t oppressively hot, and was very comfortable for that time of year.  We were comfortably relaxing on our front porch swing, when we saw a pregnant young lady walking our…